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PicData is shortlisted for UK Rail Awards

We are pleased to announce that White Hart Multimedia has been shortlisted for two awards in the 2018 UK Rail Industry Awards for our unique web service PicData which stores and retrieves photographs and video onto a digital map showing where, when and why they were...

Considerate Constructors Best Practice Hub

Here at White Hart we're delighted to now be listed on the Considerate Constructors Scheme's Best Practice Hub for our Site Workforce Upskilling. These short interactive e-learning modules are dynamic 15-minute packages including video, graphics and questions, which...

Snowy Timelapse

The view from the office was so beautiful when the snow arrived two days ago, we couldn't resist setting up our GoPro and shooting a time-lapse video of it!

Busting Boring E-learning!

In our cocktail game, we combine playing and learning. The game incorporates demonstration, guided learning and practice wrapped up in an engaging challenge. Learners are invited to make a cocktail and receive a tip for their efforts.  The quicker they make it, the...

Interactive e-learning resources

E-learning describes teaching and learning methods that are supported or facilitated by the use of technology. This could include accessing teaching resources and activities online; communication tools and multimedia; online assessment; and classroom technologies such...

360º panorama of White Hart linked up to Google Earth

The developers at White Hart Multimedia have been busy linking up the 360º panorama they have done of White Hart, and it's environs, to Google Earth. Just drop the orange man into the farm on Google Earth and get the extended tour. This is a great addition to any...

360º Panorama Pre-Condition Land Surveys

360º Panorama Pre-Condition Land Surveys

Pre-condition Surveys are a useful visual tool for engineers, for example, who have yet to visit a site which they are to begin work on. Normally a piece of land or a building is photographed as visual evidence of its condition, together with the current state and...

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