Corporate media training
White Hart Director John Brooks has delivered our media, presentation and communication training for more than 25 years. He recently worked with Make UK to deliver an incident management training day, incorporating media interventions and media training, for Tideway East (Costain/Vinci/Bachy Soletanche). Previous clients include Laing O’Rourke, Swansea University, Welsh Water, Western Power Distribution, Wales and West Utilities, and Hyder Consulting.
With his experience as a print, radio and TV journalist reporting on crisis events he has been well-placed to help organisations prepare procedures for dealing with enquiries and media contact, to help individuals understand those procedures and their role in delivering them, and to prepare individuals to act as spokespersons.

This may include:
- General awareness of how the media works (print, radio, TV)
- The importance and impact of social media
- How companies, organisations and individuals can prepare for media contact (both reactive and proactive)
- Organisation protocols
- Identifying key messages and potential pitfalls
- Interview techniques and ways to improve likely outcomes
- The difference between live and recorded, in different settings.
- Creating the perfect soundbite!
- Understanding the importance of not only what you say but how you say it, and the impact of non-verbal communication such as body language and location
- Strategies for dealing with nerves
- Practical exercises in being interviewed for the technical, local, regional and national press; radio and television
- Understanding and improving communication and presentation skills
Courses start at introductory level to raise awareness of the importance of good PR and everyone’s role in supporting the preparation of media interactions. Through these sessions we help organisations identify individuals who have an aptitude for media work and prepare them to represent their organisations through more advanced intermediate and advanced sessions.