Align Slam Workshop 1 Feedback

Align Slam Workshop 1 Name(Required) Occupation(Required) Employer(Required) Facilitator 1(Required) Facilitator 2(Required) How many major risks are there?(Required)1345810How many life saving rules are there?(Required)51813213The facilitators were...

C1 Cultural Excellence Workshop Questionnaire

Excellence Workshop Questionnaire ValuesOur five values should encourage the way we interact with each other and our stakeholders on a da-to-day basis. For each value, please assess how the project is doing. 1. Safety(Required)1 (Poor)2345 (Excellent)2....

C1 Cultural Excellence Workshop feedback

C1 Cultural Excellence Workshop 1. The re-induction was a worthwhile session(Required)Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree2. The technology was innovative and exiting(Required)Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree3. The facilitators were...

Align Induction Feedback

Align Induction Feedback Name(Required) Occupation(Required) Employer(Required) Facilitator 1(Required) Facilitator 2(Required) Language used(Required)EnglishFrenchNepaliPolishPunjabiRomanianRussianThe facilitators were engaging(Required)Strongly...

PicData is shortlisted for UK Rail Awards

We are pleased to announce that White Hart Multimedia has been shortlisted for two awards in the 2018 UK Rail Industry Awards for our unique web service PicData which stores and retrieves photographs and video onto a digital map showing where, when and why they were...