ISG Upskilling
Long term construction projects, as well as many other industries, often find there are skill gaps in the health and safety training of their workforce, either as a result of different backgrounds and training levels, or due to complacency creeping in when people have been in a job for a while. David Barber, an HSQE advisor at ISG, asked us to pilot an upskilling e-learning programme to try and combat this issue. He identified where the current skill gaps lay on his project in Cardiff and asked us to develop a series of compact but comprehensive modules on a selection of topics. Operatives take a short break from their day-to-day tasks to undergo the training on an on-site computer.
Each module is composed of real-life scenarios with interactions, and relevant, meaningful feedback is given in the form of consequences of the decisions or actions a user takes. Each module is followed by a knowledge-check quiz, and users can print off a certificate when they have completed each one.
In order to deliver the training in a cost-effective manner, White Hart set up a bespoke WordPress-based learning management system, which can be used for further e-learning content in the future. This allows managers to check progress and monitor who has completed which courses.
We are very proud that this innovation is featured on the Considerate Constructors Scheme Best Practice Hub.